piyo's computer tips
How do you comment on the meaning of your tags?

I had a thought (probably not original) of using del.icio.us itself to comment on the meaning of a tag. Okay, one's own idea of the meaning of a tag. Why? Suppose I want to remember why I chose that tag's name or a group of tags for a particular concept. Where would I want to store those notes? Online, of course!

Here's my process:
  1. Log into your del.icio.us page, etc, and go to "your bookmarks".
  2. Type in the tags search box "define+tag" and start the search. "define" will be your meta-tag for identifying posts, and "tag" is the tag you want to define. I suppose you can put more tags at the same time: "define+tag1+tag2"
  3. You will get an empty page.
  4. Post/bookmark this page to del.icio.us: First type "define" and "tag" in the "tags" field. Then, type your description in the "notes" field. Save your bookmark.

Then when you go to your own "define" tag page, you'll get a listing of all the tags that you commented. For example:

my comments to posts on other people's forums
to define forum mine ... on 1970-01-01 ... edit / delete

Of course, there's not much benefit in defining every tag or group of tags, but maybe its a useful cheat sheet for remembering and at a later time, sorting and maintenance. Plus the notes are saved with your links when you export/backup.

Do you use a similar system? Are there others that have fleshed out this idea?
Counting duplicate lines and printing them out

Perfect for those times when you want to count which duplicate TFTP ACKs are occurring.

a = Hash.new
$stdin.each_line do |ln|
a[ln] = (a.key?(ln)) ? (a[ln] + 1) : 1

puts "count: #{a.size}"
a.each { |k,v| puts "#{k}: #{v}" if v > 1 }
How I keep remembering new ways of using computers. My (computer-centric) new-optimization learning blog.

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