piyo's computer tips
del.icio.us - Finally jumping on the bandwagon.
Web, BookmarksThanks to the link above, I have started to use del.icio.us. I'm trying to see the value of it by putting all my bookmarks into it, from my personal pages and stumbleupon.com. This is how I setup my stuff:
- Use Mozilla. Sleipnir doesn't work (sigh)
- Create the bookmark for your homepage, which is (std) (new).
- Create a bookmarklet for quickly adding links. Here's "Quick Experimental Post (popup)"
- Create a quick search keyword for your Mozilla address bar. Use this url: http://del.icio.us/search/?search=%s Too bad it doesn't work with Japanese characters in Windows. (sigh)
Check out the resources:
Here's to hoping my on going effort to put more personal stuff on the web doesn't backfire.
More up to date information about securing wireless networks
WirelessI still don't have a wireless network at home. But at least this page gives information on how to secure your wireless network in the year 2005. Basically the recommendation is to "buy WPA".
Why does my iPod not play the right song?
iPod, JapaneseAccording to this page, the iPod may play a different song from the one that is listed on the display because the first bunch of characters in song's filename are zengaku (full width) Japanese. If I create the file with hangaku (half width) characters, for example by using the "add track number" option, the fault disappears.
Argh! I hate mp3 files with track numbers in the name!
Using the command line in Windows is a hazard of code pages
WindowsRaymond Chen paints a picture about how to redirect a file using CMD.exe, with internationalization.
GMail as the Notepad of the Web
WebFile this under productivity.
GMail as the Notepad of the Web (Score:3, Interesting)
by Jon_Aquino (672820) Neutral
on 2005.03.16 12:24
( http://jonaquino.blogspot.com/ )
Today I realized that GMail's latest features make it an excellent replacement
for Notepad and other basic desktop text editors. (Use its Save Draft feature
so that you can edit your text whenever you want.)
GMail has a number of powerful advantages over Notepad:
・ Filename is optional. No need to think of a unique filename to save under
-- just enter your content and go.
・ Search all your past files at once. Try that, Notepad!
・ Spell-checking on demand
・ Load/save your text files from any computer in the world
・ Cross-platform
・ Undo Discard. Ever wish you could retrieve your file after closing it
without saving? Now you can!
This is incredibly cool - a viable web-based replacement for basic desktop
text editors. Yes, the Web OS [kottke.org] is slowly coming together!
AutoSpeed plugin changing your global upload speed
AzureusUse Azureus [sf.net] with the AutoSpeed plugin [sourceforge.net]. This dynamically changes your global upload speed depending so you are always in that "sweet spot".
svn_load_dirs.pl and debian
Debian, SubversionWhen using stable ("woody") you need to install the following perl libraries so that
will work:
Problem: Colinux does work well with SNMP requests?
Colinux, net-snmpI'm using the colinux console and networking is working, I think. I use it as TFTP server and a DHCP server. However when I send commands using SNMP agent, the command doesn't finish and the ethereal trace shows a UDP error. What's wrong?
How I keep remembering new ways of using computers. My (computer-centric) new-optimization learning blog.