piyo's computer tips
Blogging makes you think like a genius!

Really, blogging is good for you, as this link suggests. Why am I approaching blogging with some sort of skepticism? As if there is some sort of agenda that is going on? Blogging allows me to be infatuated with myself. But I've always known that being merely a consumer and not a creator atrophies the mind.
Make sure to log out...

Make sure to log out... especially when you are showing web pages to "friends."
Who the hell am I, I wonder. Tee-hee. Enjoy this.
Custom keywords

Use this string instead for competent searching in Japanese from your Windows computer:


I wanted to edit this page:
Added by piyo (2004-07-19): You may want to fix the encoding to utf-8 or something else for those search engines that can handle i18n. For example, from Mozilla 1.7 on Windows XP typing in Japanese for the Google search engine, the above does not work for Japanese text, but if you use this URL:


It will.

src: http://www.mozilla.org/docs/end-user/keywords.html

Well I finally should get into web publishing for the common person. This MoinMoin supports Japanese with just a bit of user-level tweaking. Very excellent. This site shows some tips.
Portage LAN proxy system: rsync and http-reflector

Set up a box on your LAN to be a Gentoo portage "server", actually a portage package description directory reflector and package file reflector. This is great for your multiple gentoo boxes at your home or office.
A Colinux Problem: 2 colinuxes get same IP addr from DHCP server

Problem: "My question is: is it possible to set the MAC address of the virtual ethernet driver or the MAC address in the Guest OS' eth0 interface?"

Solution: From the RTFM.

The document above tells me that the network entity in the xml file has the optional attribute "mac". If you set it like this:

<network index="0" name="NDIS 5.0 driver" type="bridged" mac="DE:AD:BE:EF:CE:C5" />

then that guest OS will have use that mac address for the virtual ethernet interface.

src: My post about it in the colinux user forums.
Web Developer Bar for Mozilla/Firefox

This is a bar that every aspiring web content developer should use. Install it with your Mozilla today.
Windows Update v4 Fails and how to recover?

Well this is my user error, but I rebooted my computer during a Windows Update session. After the computer came back a second time (the first reboot did not complete), I checked Windows Update and all of the must-install items failed. Furthurmore I couldn't reselect them for install. What to do?

Ultimately I used Microsoft Baseline Security Advisor to understand which patches I needed to install. Very very complicated because I have to look at each advisory and decide what kind of computer I have. They even use different words for describing Windows XP.

Who has the patience to go through this? Probably SysAdmins but I'm not one.

src: Microsoft Baseline Security Advisor
src: Windows Update
CoLinux and reusing your idle machine

Linux on Windows. Until now I thought one needed to buy VMWare or Virtual PC to make something run. But now there is CoLinux. I tested it with VNC, X, Debian and Gentoo. It works without fault, but also without frills. I wonder if it works across Windows suspend and hibernate.

src: CoLinux
Custom Keywords for Mozilla/Firefox
Mozilla, Firefox

This page shows you how to search quickly without having to install a Google Toolbar or dictionary toolbar. For example, I use these two in my Mozilla install:

Actually I'm still working on my Sleipnir to Mozilla transition. I may continue to use both browsers but for now Mozilla is pretty exciting while Sleipnir is my home-sweet-home workbench. It's all because of Stumble Upon.

src: Custom Keywords for Mozilla/Firefox
Editing my blog (PHP string functions)

I'm still playing around with my own blog software. I finally got it to work on a computer other than the webserver. Hahah, how lame. I learned how to use preg_replace() there. Yeah.

In any case maybe I should be learning about Smarty in the PHP? I use small template system, perhaps I used a standard software? Oh and I should move off of IIS and onto Apache. Really.

src: PHP Web Server Documentation
subversion is utf-8 friendly, Redhat 7.3 is not (yet)

I figured out that both TortoiseSVN and the client programs of svn try to encode log messages into UTF-8. Just how am I supposed to see this on my Redhat 7.3 computer? Adventures in UTF-8, commence!

LC_CTYPE="ja_JP.UTF-8" xterm -u8 -fn "-Misc-Fixed-Medium-R-SemiCondensed--13-120-75-75-C-60-ISO10646-1"

Then in the next window:

LESSCHARSET="utf-8" less UTF-8-demo.txt

My problem is not yet resolved, though.

src: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/unicode.html

src: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs/examples/UTF-8-demo.txt

WebSVN is working in non-MultiView mode. I am impressed by the presentation of the log entries. But there are a few problems:

But in any case this is looking pretty good.

src: http://websvn.tigris.org/
How I keep remembering new ways of using computers. My (computer-centric) new-optimization learning blog.

Location: Kobe, Hyogo, Japan
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